Monday, March 14, 2011

$20 for $55 of Delivered Groceries

$55 to Spend on Delivered Farm-Fresh Groceries
Winder Farms
$ 20 view deal
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Despite green thumbs the size of the Jolly Green Giant's, your window box garden sadly succumbed to the elements. Skip the frozen-food aisle because Winder Farms is to the rescue. This virtual farmers' market on wheels delivers farm-fresh goodies right to your front door. Drop $20 and pick up $55 in groceries, including a waived delivery and start-up fee (a $73 value). Winder Farms has faithfully served Utah homes for 130 years. Today, it provides residential doorstep delivery of more than 300 products like trans fat-free bread, fruits and veggies, all-natural meats, hormone-free milk, and 100% freshly squeezed juices -- all guaranteed fresh. Your collection of herbs may have wilted, but there's no need to cry over spilled milk... unless it's the bottle Winder just delivered.

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$55 to Spend on Home-Delivered Farm-Fresh Groceries, Plus Waived Start-up and Delivery Fees
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